You can pay by bank card, credit card or cash in Swedish kronor.
As the exchange rate keeps varying, it's best to convert yourself via the following link:
If you have to cancel your booking for some reason, you don't have to pay for your entire trip. You will only lose your deposit if you let us know in time. On time is at least 4 days before arrival: in this case, we ask you to pay the full amount of your stay. Check this with your insurance.
You can travel via the bridges or take the ferry, you can find more info on this via the links below:
Booking is only possible via the booking tool on the website.
In high season, the food truck is open. In the morning, you can pick up a variety of sandwiches and sweets. Hot meals are also available several nights a week.
The small ICA supermarket is about 10 minutes away by car from the campsite. You can also go there by bike but then the trip is quite a bit longer 🙂 .
The town of Årjäng with several supermarkets and restaurants is about a 25-minute drive from the campsite.
Boats and canoes cannot be reserved in advance. It is best to reserve these at check-in.
On site, we will be happy to tell you which islets are the most beautiful to visit by canoe.
Stora Bör is a fine place to fish, you need to purchase a fishing licence for this and you can easily do so with your smartphone at reception or via the following link:
This site will tell you more about which fish you will find in our large Stora Bör lake.
For that, it is best to look on this website in the navigation at facilities and area.
On the spot, we will be happy to tell you where you are most likely to spot a moose.
Remember that our cabins are rather small Swedish stugor, not exactly comparable to a house. There is no bathroom or kitchen, just a place to sleep. They are quite cosy but very small, unfortunately no dogs are allowed and you can only sleep 2, 3 or 4 people. You can find some pictures here.
If you are looking for a bigger house in the area I can definitely recommend this site:
As for electricity, in Sweden we have type F sockets (like in Belgium) The mains voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. So you need an ordinary F plug or a blue camping plug, a CEE plug.
You can find all the info on this website.
Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed in the cabins, but we are big dog lovers, so no problem to bring your dog if you are travelling by caravan, motorhome or tent.
If you make a reservation, you are guaranteed a place at the campsite. On arrival, the staff will check with you which pitches are available. So it is not a guarantee that you will be by the water or any specific pitch.
We do not have a webshop, the merchandise is only available at the campsite.
When booking, you pay a deposit of 20%, the remaining amount will be paid upon check-in.
Gothenburg Airport and Oslo Airport are both about a 2h30 drive away. We recommend taking a rental car at the airport.
We do not offer cancellation insurance. For this, please consult your insurance agent.